Biology of Sport
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Biology of Sport
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Recreational soccer and basketball improve anthropometric, body composition and health-related outcomes in overweight and obese young adults: A randomized multi-arm study

Qi Xu
Rui Miguel Silva
2, 3
Piotr Zmijewski
Tingyu Li
Dong Ma
LiuXi Yang
GuiYang Liu
Filipe Manuel Clemente
1, 2, 3

  1. Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, 80-336 Gdańsk, Poland
  2. Sport Physical Activity and Health Research & Innovation Center (SPRINT), Viana do Castelo, Portugal
  3. Escola Superior Desporto e Lazer, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Rua Escola Industrial e Comercial de Nun’Álvares, 4900-347 Viana do Castelo, Portugal
  4. Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
  5. School of Athletic Performance, Shanghai University of Sport, 200438, Shanghai, China
  6. Physical Education and Health Education, Udon Thani Rajabhat University 64 Thaharn Road, Muang, Udon Thani 41000, Thailand
Biol Sport. 2025;42(2):21–33
Online publish date: 2024/08/30
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